DABSMYLA is the collaborative artistic duo of Dabs and Myla, who are known for their vibrant and imaginative artworks that blend elements of street art, graffiti, and contemporary painting. The duo consists of two Australian artists, Dabs (Judy Roller) and Myla (David McLeod), who have been creating art together since they met in 2007.
DABSMYLA's signature style is characterized by their use of bold colors, intricate patterns, and whimsical characters. Their artworks often feature playful and surreal scenes that draw viewers into their imaginative worlds. The duo's pieces are known for their meticulous attention to detail and their ability to create immersive and visually captivating compositions.
One of DABSMYLA's notable contributions to the art world is their ability to create cohesive and harmonious collaborative works that seamlessly blend their individual artistic styles. Their art often explores themes related to love, relationships, and the shared creative process, inviting viewers to connect with the emotional and narrative aspects of their work.
DABSMYLA's art has been exhibited in galleries and art fairs internationally, earning acclaim for their ability to create visually striking and conceptually engaging pieces. Their large-scale murals and installations often transform spaces into vibrant and colorful environments, captivating audiences with their playful and surreal imagery.
In addition to their gallery work, DABSMYLA has collaborated with various brands and organizations, further extending their influence in the worlds of fashion, design, and popular culture. Their ability to create art that resonates with a wide audience while maintaining a distinct and recognizable visual language underscores their significance as a collaborative artistic duo in the contemporary art world.
As artists, DABSMYLA continue to push the boundaries of their creative expression, experimenting with new concepts and techniques while staying true to their collaborative spirit. Their ability to create immersive and imaginative artworks celebrates the power of creativity, storytelling, and the joy of shared artistic exploration. DABSMYLA's art serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration and the transformative potential of art in our lives.